Sunday, April 11, 2010

Social Networking and Online community

Just recently, Dr Abel showed us this video introducing the origins of facebook. Can't believe the founder of facebook is only a couple of years older than i am. Yes, reality hurts. oh well, my aim now is to score well for COM125 and bring up my GPA! :)

Apart from digressing.... Initially, facebook started as a social networking site for harvard university undergraduates and slowly expanded to the rest of the world. Though facebook is already 6 years, the hype over this application has not die down, well, not yet maybe. Unlike its 'predecessors' like friendster, facebook has seen a surge in overall usage just over the first quarter of 2010.

According to comScore, Facebook is the leading social networking site based on monthly unique visitors, having overtaken main competitor MySpace in April 2008.[137] ComScore reports that Facebook attracted 132.1 million unique visitors in June 2008, compared to MySpace, which attracted 117.6 million
The web-site's ranking is now 2nd in terms of worldwide traffic and is 1st in terms of photo uploading with 14 million uploaded daily.
By 2005, the use of Facebook had already become so ubiquitous that the generic verb "facebooking" had come into use to describe the process of browsing others' profiles or updating one's own.

The success of facebook could be attributed to the fact that socialising is crucial part of people's life. It is thrilling to know that friends that you have not met for a long time have suddenly added you on facebook. Also, it is surprising to know many of us have common friends, which we probably was unbeknownst to. Also, facebook has been improving itself over the past few years such as tying up with other zynga game networks to come up with games like cafe world and farmville that got many users addicted too. unfortunately, i used to be a facebook addict, logging on the website every now and then.

Also, facebook's stylish and user-friendly outlook appeals to the crowd.

Recently, it has also be announced that facebook is one of the most used search services in the world. Facebook saw search queries grow 10 percent in February 2010 and surpassed Google in the United States to become the most visited Website for the week ending March 13, according to studies from leading market researchers. comScore said search queries on Facebook grew from 395 million in January 2010 to 436 million in February 2010, a growth of 10 percent. This pales in comparison to Google's 13.4 billion queries for the same period, but search on the leading social network site is spiking.

It seems like the craze over facebook is still ongoing. Some of my friends even made facebook as their homepage! Personally, i am logging on to facebook from about thrice a week to as frequent as thrice a day!

So, how often do you visit the facebook?

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