Saturday, April 10, 2010

Security on the Internet: to trust or not? (Part One)

There are a lot of cyber crimes - crimes that occur online in the world. To name a few, internet card fraud, unauthorized access to confidential material, cyberstalking and harassment.

As mentioned in the earlier entries, i started using online chat programs like mirc when i was primary 4. Fortunately, i have an older sister to guide me and taught me to use false identity and must not divulge any personal details to anybody online. I'm thankful i did not fall into the hands of internet cheaters.

However, i realise that anyone, is gullible to such internet predators.

This happened 2 years ago on our sunny island, it has been reported that a 24-year-old undergraduate was sentenced to 27 months in prison for stealing the MSN instant messenger identities of several women, using these to assume their identities to chat with other people on their contact lists, and doctoring pictures by superimposing the heads of some of the women on naked bodies. He further threatened to make public the image of one victim unless she sent him photos of her breasts. The offender faced nine charges under the CMA and one charge of criminal intimidation, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced in January 2007.

My skin just cringed upon reading this article. It means that chatting on MSN with people you 'supposedly' know aren't trustable because you cannot guarantee the person on the other end is really your friend.

Cybercrime has become more prevalent as social networking websites (facebook, myspace) become more pervasive in our society. There may come a day where there will be full-time law enforcers, policemen and investigators on cyber crimes. Oh my, what has happened to those days where people don't even have to lock their house doors?

I guess if we are more cautious of what we type online, and to set ourselves some limits to information sharing, that should keep us away from becoming preys to such online predators.
On a lighter note, i would like to end this entry with a video.

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